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Products and services prohibited for advertising and sales in the Russian Federation

Rules for posting information on the Allbiz Internet resource

Allbiz is an international e-commerce center that allows companies to create their own presentations and post information about products, services, jobs and offers. Companies are solely responsible for the fact that the goods, services, works and offers they offer are in compliance with the requirements of Allbiz and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Companies are obliged to comply with these requirements and are responsible for the correct definition of the category of goods, services, works and proposals.

This document provides a list of goods, services, works, proposals and information (including but not limited to) prohibited for placement/sale/offer/exchange on the Allbiz Internet resource. The list can be changed and supplemented in accordance with changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

List of goods, services, works, offers and information prohibited for posting on the Allbiz Internet resource:

 - Narcotic drugs, poisons, psychotropic substances and their precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, and parts of their containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, as well as information on their production, manufacture, use, storage, transportation, acquisition, sale (release), importation into the territory of the Russian Federation, export from the territory of the Russian Federation.

 - Alcohol products, as well as information on its production and sale, including the provision of these products as a gift in the purchase or shares, ethyl alcohol.

 - Tobacco, tobacco products, smoking accessories, including pipes, hookahs, cigarette papers, cigarette lighters, electronic cigarettes, if they are in the form of a cigarette (in any other form allowed), smoking mixtures, mixes and other doubtful products intended for smoking.

 - Goods and services subject to certification/licensing, in the absence of necessary certificates/licenses, goods and services subject to state registration, in the absence of such registration.

 - Information infringing the copyrights of third parties, patent law, trade secret, copies of sites or individual pages, images and texts posted on the Internet if copying is forbidden by the owners of the original.

 - Information on the manufacture, distribution, offer for sale or other use of goods that lead to a violation of the exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity or means of individualization (patents, trademarks, trademarks, copyrights, etc.), as well as pirated optical media with illegal copies of films, music, games, etc.

 - Medicines, medicines, except medicinal herbs, medicinal raw materials obtained from northern reindeer breeding (panty and endocrine raw materials).

 - Food supplements and food additives, baby food.

 - Medical services, medical equipment, medical services for the artificial termination of pregnancy.

 - X-ray equipment, instruments and equipment using radioactive substances and isotopes.

 - Organs and (or) human tissues, donor services.

 - Service, combat and civilian weapons (including self-defense weapons, sports, hunting and signal weapons) and military products, as well as information on their production and sale.

 - Risk-based games and wagers, as well as information about their organizers, services related to offering assistance in gambling systems that contain bets.

 - Lotteries and incentive events and information about them.

 - Counterfeit goods, smuggled goods, stolen property, registration services at the place of residence.

 - Explosives and materials, except pyrotechnic products.

- Information of a political nature, as well as information related to inciting hatred on national, racial, religious, sexual and other grounds, information containing profanity, as well as offensive language.

 - Extremist materials, materials calling for riots, carrying out terrorist activities and extremist activities, participating in mass public events, inciting interethnic and inter-confessional discord, items with Nazi symbols.

 - Information on the acquisition or sale of official documents and state awards, foreign exchange and/or other currency values ​​(excluding purchase and sale for numismatic purposes).

 - Information about the forgery, manufacture or sale of forged documents (including but not limited to, valid state identity documents and documents of any existing countries of the world (passports, id cards, rights, diplomas, student cards, credit books, travel tickets, passes, permits, certificates, licenses and the like), as well as forms of these documents), stamps, seals, forms, forgery of bank notes and postal payment signs.

 - Materials containing state, banking or commercial secrets.

 - Information on the sale/purchase of plants, animals and aquatic biological resources, as well as parts of there (e.g. paws, horns, parts of the trunk) and derivatives (for example, skins, fish eggs, mollusk shells, milk and animal wool) disappearing from the Land face and/or listed in the International Red Book.

 - Poaching tools and equipment (electric fishing rods, nets and the like), as well as services for their production or marketing.

 - Transcendental services (witchcraft, magic, extrasensory and other).

 - Information on vehicles, being in search, without documents, manufacturing and sale of license plates (standard, registered, elite, etc.), service of winding the car's run.

 - Databases, including those containing personal data, which may facilitate unauthorized distribution, illegally obtained private and confidential information.

 - Materials violating the secret of private life, encroaching on the honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens and legal entities.

 - Information on services and/or work of an intimate/erotic/sexual nature, as well as pornographic/erotic materials, information related to the distribution of any type of pornographic/erotic material.

 - Information on the need to receive material assistance (for example, fundraising for treatment), or offering financial assistance and support in any form, fraud, extortion.

 - Information on questionable ways of obtaining income (for example, the offer to register on a resource and get money for it, work for everyone, processing of e-mail at home, work without investments, etc.), mediation in employment abroad.

 - Financial, insurance, banking services.

 - Markets and currency exchange services.

 - Services rendered by financial organizations and related to the attraction and (or) placement of funds of legal entities and individuals.

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