All-Biz » Help » Products and services » How to add more products or services?

How to add more products or services?

The number of products and services in your directory affects on the "visibility" of your site in the search engines. The more products and services you add, the greater probability that your potential buyer will find you and choose among similar offers.

To add more products and services to your site, in the left side menu in your personal account MY AllBiz, select the "Products, Services" section and the corresponding "Products Catalog" or "Services Catalog" tab. Click the "Add" button and fill in the opened form in detail in accordance with the recommendations. 


Please note: on the front page of your personal account My AllBiz, there is an indicator that allows you to determine how many items of products and services you can add to your site.


 The number of items that you can add is determined by the terms of registration on AllBiz

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